Blog 10

My blog entries have turned into the stereotypical new year’s resolution, except instead of my going to the gym for 2-3 days before stopping, I write one blog post in early January stating how I’m going to start posting more regularly and how this will lead me to more insightful pieces that I share with the 2-3 people who actually visit this blog. So instead, this year, I’ll write about how this is my one post for the year, with the thought that if I were to write additional posts this year it will seem like such an unplanned bonus. With that in mind, here is my post for 2023. See you next year, obscure empty blog fans.

In the meantime, here is a podcast I participated in at the end of 2022. This is a podcast dealing with all things caption contest, with a focus on THE NEW YORKER caption contest, of which I’ve had several images used. I find their conversations fascinating, listening to their strategies and opinions on the various captions they create and peruse.